1. When it appears that you have killed the monster, NEVER check to see if it's really dead.
If your children speak to you in Latin or any other language which they
should not know, kill them immediately. It will save you a lot of
trouble in the long run. However, it will probably take several rounds
to kill them, so be prepared. This also applies to kids who speak with
somebody else's voice.
3. If you're searching for something which caused a loud noise and find out that it's just the cat, GET THE HELL OUT!
4. If appliances start operating by themselves, do not check for short circuits. Just get out!
5. If you find a town which looks deserted, there's probably a good reason for it. Don't stop and look around.
If you're running from a monster, expect to trip or fall down at least
twice. Also note that, despite the fact that you are running and the
monster is merely shambling along, it's still moving fast enough to
catch up with you.
7. If your companions suddenly begin to
exhibit uncharacteristic behavior such as hissing, fascination for
blood, glowing eyes, increasing hairiness, multi-level marketing, and so
on, kill them immediately.
8. If your car runs out of gas at
night on a lonely road, do not go to the nearby deserted-looking house
to phone for help. If you think that it is strange because you thought
you had a full tank, shoot yourself instead. You are going to die
anyway, and most likely while being eaten alive.
9. If you find
that your house is built upon a cemetery, now is the time to move in
with the in-laws. This applies to houses that had previous inhabitants
who went mad or died in some horrible fashion, or had inhabitants who
performed satanic practices in your house.
10. If you enter a house and a disembodied voice tells you to "GET OUT," listen to the helpful voice and leave.
If anyone offers you $1,000,000 if you just stay the night in a house -
just leave and go and buy a lottery ticket. Your chances of winning the
lottery are slightly higher then your chances of living through the
12. If you are spending the night in a spooky old house on
a dare, do not sneak away to another part of the house for romantic
interludes with your significant other. Instead, wait until you get a
nice, clean, safe motel room.
13. If you come across a body, do
not walk slowly in the direction of a suspicious noise, or stand above
the body in a stunned state of shock. Instead, call the police on your
cell phone while you are running in the opposite direction.
Learn to control sneezing, coughing, and other bodily noises so that you
won't give yourself away when you're trying to hide from tyrannosaurs,
henchmen etc.
15. If you enter a house, fortress, cave, temple,
tomb, graveyard, etc. especially one with a malevolent aura or history
of macabre events and an eerie, disembodied voice orders you to depart
the premises, go just go.
16. Stay away from all buildings or natural features of the landscape that resemble skulls, fists, fanged mouths, etc.
17. No matter how hooked you are on phonics, don't try to pronounce things you find inscribed in ancient artifacts.
Artifacts that are found in pieces should be left in pieces. Most
importantly, if the pieces of an artifact stick together during assembly
without any sort of adhesive (such as duct tape) STOP !
19. When
the scholar in the expedition says that the carving promises wrath on
he who breaks the seal; it's time to go back to the camp.
20. If it glows, avoid it.
When the alien ship arrives, do not join the welcoming committee.
Do not take the shortcut through the woods.
you find yourself on a lost continent (underground world), where there
is prehistoric life or an ancient civilization still flourishing, there
is also an active volcano.
You can pretty much find a chainsaw when you need one.
your town is threatened by an imminent natural disaster or killer
beast, the mayor's first concern will be the tourist trade or his
forthcoming art exhibition.
Turn on the lights!
Never dig in sand, the woods or graveyards. In fact, never dig up anything.
When the power goes out, wandering the house with a flickering candle is not a good idea.
someone calls you and says they have vital information and asks you to
meet them somewhere, don't bother showing up. He'll be dead when you get
there and you will be charged with the murder. Trust me on this one.
Animals (dogs, cats, birds, fish) always know who's bad and will naturally bark, hiss, chirp or point at them.
Under no circumstances get a job as a security guard at a scientific research center.
This is a mostly story blog of the MLP OC Character Honeycrisp. While she will have some interaction with the Mane characters, but it will be minor,I won't try to make her fit in with them. That also means that there will not be any romance between my OC and a canon character, be it male or female.
Also, I will make some general commentary on the MLP FiM episodes as well.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
How long is too long?
on January 13th, I commissioned an artist on deviant Art for an unshaded color picture of my Honeycrisp for 240 dA points.
Seven and a half months later, I have seen or heard absolutely NOTHING from the artist. No preliminary sketch of Honeycrisp, no nothing.
It really makes me mad. If i don't get anything from this person on August 13th (Eight friggin months later) I am asking for my points back and will commission someone else.
Seven and a half months later, I have seen or heard absolutely NOTHING from the artist. No preliminary sketch of Honeycrisp, no nothing.
It really makes me mad. If i don't get anything from this person on August 13th (Eight friggin months later) I am asking for my points back and will commission someone else.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Here have some art! This is gonna be big!
Destrier and Honeycrisp. Scarred side of Big Red. above. Below in armor.
Honeycrisp (above) Checkered Flag (below, sans cutie mark)
Honeycrisp is scared of heights.
Flt Lt Starsfall (above) PawPrints (below)
Stormchaser and Sunglow
All artwork and characters are © eablasingame. Moar on my dA account
Honeycrisp (above) Checkered Flag (below, sans cutie mark)
Honeycrisp is scared of heights.
Flt Lt Starsfall (above) PawPrints (below)
Stormchaser and Sunglow
All artwork and characters are © eablasingame. Moar on my dA account
Friday, June 15, 2012
Well darn it!
I have a huge case of writers block that has settled in place and seems to be quite unmovable. I can't seem to get motivated to write anything more on "A Soldier in Silver" in spite of weekly attempts to get something going by rereading the current chapters.
so I am calling it quits.
The story is over, there is nothing more to see here. If there is anyone looking, that is. Since no one has even given me any kind of feed back here, I am taking that as a no.
But if someone has...Sorry.
so I am calling it quits.
The story is over, there is nothing more to see here. If there is anyone looking, that is. Since no one has even given me any kind of feed back here, I am taking that as a no.
But if someone has...Sorry.
Monday, April 16, 2012
"A Soldier in Silver" Chapter 11
Disclaimer: All Settings and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is ™ Hasbro. I own nothing.
All Characters except Swordread Shieldon are ©littlebittysami/Eileen B
Swordread Shieldon is ©GeneralDurandal on deviantArt
Chapter 13.
His head hurt. He was so very hungry. The last thing he remembered was Swordread asking him if he was okay. Then there was nothing but blackness. Until now. Now he could feel the light. Feel it because it pierced him sharply, like tiny splinters of glass slipping past his shut eyelid and stabbing into his brain. Destrier cursed loudly and shifted away from the window, slowly opening his one good eye.
"Good Morning to you too, Mister Sunshine." He knew that voice too well. The red pony groaned.
"Why are you still here?" Destrier grumbled as he buried his head under the covers. "You have your prisoner, go home."
"Is that any way to talk to your big brother?" snickered Swordread with a cheeky smile. "Besides, Dad said that I have to get all the eyewitness' testimony and that includes you, Red. We have to a good case against this pony. Not that we don't have a good enough case to begin with, but we need your testimony to seal it."
Destrier ignored the "big brother" comment, for in a sense Swordread was his brother. Not biologically, of course. When Destrier was ten, his father was ambushed and murdered by a gryphon in his own home at Fort Corral. His mother, unable to cope with the loss of her husband, retreated within her own mind, effectively making her young son an orphan. It was Swordread's father Lanceor, a widower with children himself after his wife was attacked and killed by the newborn Nightmare Moon, who took in the colt. He raised his friends' son as his own.
"You need my testimony for an attempted robbery, attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon case," Destrier said grumpily, rubbing his left temple as if to attempt to soothe the pain going on within. "You should have enough evidence to lock him away for a good long time from the accounts of every other pony there besides me."
"Actually… our bad little colt isn't just a thief and would-be killer. He has killed before. Several times, too. Allpony, Manehatten, Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Trottingham, District of Coltlumbia, Ralniegh to name a few places he's killed. Never leaves an eyewitness. Ate a few of the victims as well, usually mares and their young foals, that's why he filed his teeth to match that of the carnivores he emulated. So, the testimony of a former commander in the Equestrian Royal Guard would help build a nice solid case against him."
Destrier was about to ask Swordread how they knew that the pony that attacked the Inn was the serial killer that they had been looking for when a loud banging started outside. The large red pony was out of the bed and at his window in a flash, ready to give a tongue lashing to those making such noise, but the scene of utter devastation stayed his tongue.
Trees were uprooted or broken everywhere in the path of the storm. Several houses in Ponyville had some form of roof damage, whether the roof had lost a few shingles, to there not being a roof on the building anymore, as it was lying across the lane in a ditch. There were ponies everywhere, cleaning up or fixing the damage that the storm had left behind. He recognized a few guards and other citizens from Canterlot pitching in to help.
While the Inn was spared, the little blue house that Honeycrisp lived in was nothing more than a foundation and a couple of walls. The banging he had heard was one of the walls being pulled away from what was left of her furniture by Honeycrisp, her friends, her cousins and a couple of ponies he didn't recognize. As he watched, Honeycrisp found an old tattered and muddy blue ribbon and turned to a large black and white paint pony with a two toned gray mane and burst into tears.
"How long have I been out?" Destrier asked, watching as the newcomer wrapped a hoof about Honeycrisp and moved her so that she could cry on his shoulder.
"About a day and a half. That pony just arrived this morning. He—" Swordread stopped as Destrier shoved past him and walked out the door, heading out to help the others.
"Hey! You should be in bed!" he shouted after Destrier, knowing full well that his "little brother" was going to ignore him. It was pretty amusing too. He'd never seen Destrier looking so jealous in his life, not even when he was dating Minty.
Destrier's attempt to get out of the Inn was foiled by the appearance of Wildflower. The pretty earth pony gave him a smile and with a slight gesture motioned to the tray on her back.
"Captain Shieldon said you would be hungry and would want something sugary to eat when you woke up," she said, her voice soft and friendly. "We have some apple oatcakes and cider for you. That should help make you feel better. I'll put it over here on the table so you can eat."
Wildflower set the tray on a sideboard, and for an earth pony she did this with practiced ease. Destrier was going to decline the food and head out, but the delicious aroma of the oatcakes that caressed his nose was just too tempting to resist. His stomach growled loudly, demanding the tasty cakes get in there.
All Swordread heard, however, was 'cider'.
"You have cider? What kind?" he asked excitedly from behind Destrier. "You're serving it for breakfast? I was right! This place is retirement paradise!"
"It's not hard cider, silly," Wildflower said after a moment, color leaping into her cheeks at the sight of the other pony. "It's Applewood Farms cider and we do have both kinds. We just don't serve the hard cider for breakfast."
I've never had Applewood Cider. Is it any good?" Swordread asked as Destrier tucked into his meal. The stallion's stomach ceased making angry noises and settled to the task of converting the incoming food into fuel. The oatcakes were simply delicious; he'd never had them like this before – toasty, warm and covered in cooked apples. The cider was excellent as well, sweet but not over sweet. The meal was so good, Destrier asked for thirds. He needed it; he'd expended a lot of energy during the healing. His headache receded as he filled his stomach.
While Destrier ate, Swordread flirted with Wildflower. This was a natural enough occurrence because an off duty Swordread mixed with mares equaled outrageous flirtation, only at most times Swordread got carried away in his flirting and usually ended up getting a hoof to the face for his trouble. This time the flirting had a purpose, Swordread wanted to try the cider, the hard kind. Wildflower refused at first, worrying aloud that she could get into trouble for serving it so early in the day, but Swordread eventually wore her down. His victory was short-lived when she returned with two very small shot glasses full of the amber liquid. She set one by each the unicorns, smiling at the disappointed frown that appeared on Swordread's face.
"What is THIS?" the white unicorn complained, looking at the small glass in askance. "Where's the rest?"
"You said you wanted to taste it. So, this is how we serve Applewood Hard for tastings. If you want more, you will have to wait until lunch," she said primly as Swordread glared. She then set another glass on the table, this one empty. Both stallions looked from her to glass and back again. "You swish the cider in your mouth and then spit it into the glass," she explained.
"Spit it out? That's just wrong."
"That's how you 'taste' hard cider."
"That's the way snobs taste cider. We're soldiers."
"One former soldier here," corrected Destrier.
"Soldiers," insisted Swordread, taking up his tiny glass and knocking it back. His eyes widened in surprise and he said with a small grin, "Whoa, that's really good stuff."
Destrier liked his cider a lot. He had watched as Swordread had tasted his little shot and gauged his reaction. Since his "brother" actually enjoyed the brew, he tried his little shot as well. The taste was very good, so smooth with a hint of cinnamon. Smoother than some of the cider they got in Canterlot, that was certain.
"What's this cider called again?"
"Applewood Hard. Honeycrisp's family makes it. It's from her grandfather's secret recipe."
At the mention of the little palomino paint pony, Destrier remembered his jealousy and pushed away from the table. He walked out of the dining room, stepping lightly over Eaglewing, who still slept soundly recovering from his wounds. The Pegasus barely stirred as the older stallions passed.
Outside of the Inn, the damage path from the storm was worse than from what he had seen from his window. Even the Inn suffered some minor structural damage.
Honeycrisp was still leaning on the new stallion in the midst of the rubble that had been her home, and had the nerve to wave a small hoof at him and smile. Destrier ignored her, turning his back on them and walking stiffly towards town.
"What's eatin' him?" he heard Honeycrisp say to Swordread, but the other pony made no answer that he could hear. He could certainly hear Honeycrisp's reaction, because it was very loud.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS? DESTRIER, YOU STUPID JERK! YOU…YOU CREEP!" she howled, and then something whizzed by his head, followed closely by a door handle and many other small missiles that she could hunt up in the wreckage. He turned just in time to see Honeycrisp throw a decorative horse shoe, which hit his horn dead center and spun a few times before it smacked him in the muzzle. "HE'S MY BROTHER, YOU MULEBRAINED IDIOT!!!"
"Ringer! Give that mare a prize!" laughed both Swordread and the black and white paint pony.
Destrier glared, and with his new horn ornament, he stalked back to Honeycrisp who was still hunting for more objects to throw at him. He stood in front of her, tall and intimidating. But she stayed her ground, glaring up at him defiantly.
"I love you." he said quietly before he leaned down and kissed her full on the lips.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
A Quiet Evening Together
My Friend Fyre-Medi on Deviant Art colored this http://littlebittysami.deviantart.com/art/A-quiet-evening-together-275852893 drawing I had done a little while back. Destrier is a bit brighter red thank usual and his cutie mark is the old one, but I loves it so much! I love how he does eyes.
Now with correct colors and Cutie mark
Now with correct colors and Cutie mark
Sunday, March 25, 2012
What Big Brothers Are for: Noogies.
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Honeycrisp and her brother bond. My line art colored by my friend Fyre-Medi on Deviant Art. link to my line art |
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Honeycrisp's big brother.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I have a major case of writers block going.
If anyone is reading "A Soldier in Silver" and are awaiting a new chapter, please accept my apologies. The muse is being unamusing.
I may post my pixel walking and galloping OC's
If anyone is reading "A Soldier in Silver" and are awaiting a new chapter, please accept my apologies. The muse is being unamusing.
I may post my pixel walking and galloping OC's
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
A Soldier in Silver Chapter 10
Disclaimer: All characters with a speaking role here belong to me, except Swordread Shieldon. He belongs to General Durandal. All MLP FiM settings are ™ Hasbro and Lauren Faust.
Eaglewing swallowed hard and tears filled his eyes. Destrier knew that being told that you were indeed dying wasn't an easy thing to accept, especially for one so young.
"You aren't dead yet, soldier. I'm going to try and heal you, and I may just be able to prevent that from happening," the scarlet unicorn said, "But I need you to pay attention to everything I tell you from here on out. Do you understand?"
"Yes sir."
"Good colt." Destrier turned his attention to the mares that Eaglewing still stood protectively in front of. The chocolate colored unicorn worried him a bit. She seemed to be very close to breaking down into tears, something that Eaglewing didn't need at the moment, but Destrier spoke to Sunglow first; he had a more urgent task for her. Cocoaberry would be needed for an important task momentarily.
"Sunglow, I need you to go to the library and ask Twilight Sparkle to send a letter to the Captain of Princess Celestia's personal guard, Lanceor Shieldon. Explain what has happened here and that we need guards to escort the prisoner to dungeons beneath the castle. Can you do this for me?"
"I can." The golden Pegasus looked at the tall scarlet unicorn and nodded, relief crossing her face as she headed for the door. There was a low rumble of thunder outside, though the storm still sounded a ways off. It would arrive soon; one could smell the rain in the air and the wind was starting to pick up. "Lanceor Shieldon, Captain of her highness' personal guard. Got it."
Honeycrisp watched her go and glanced at Wildflower. The other earth pony was terribly frightened but kept her fears to herself, except for a worried glance to the thief and to Charger.
There was crash of thunder outside. The storm was getting closer.
"Wildflower and I better go and bring the supplies in before the storm hits," she said, stepping just past the slowly recovering bandit. He snapped his file sharpened teeth at her right rear hoof as she passed, and Honeycrisp reacted instinctively. She flattened her ears, whinnied loudly, reared and brought both of her front hooves down hard upon the prone unicorn's muzzle, knocking out several of his teeth, causing him to yelp from the pain.
At the noise, Destrier turned and looked at the three other ponies, his glance moving from Honeycrisp to Charger, at once assuming the other male had just lashed out at the prisoner. The younger unicorn made a little motion with his head to indicate the paint mare. She, on the other hoof, simply glared at the thief and shook her left foot menacing above his bleeding snout. The red stallion smirked a little. His Honey had spirit.
"Someone's still frisky. Charger, you need to zap him again. Just don't kill him."
"Yes sir! Step back, Miss Honeycrisp. I don't want to hurt you."
"Thank you, Charger," Honeycrisp said with a grin as the thief began to writhe again from Charger's jolt. Then she turned and walked out of the dining room, pausing only to collect Wildflower. The other earth pony mare all but ran from the room, just happy to be away from the carnage within if only for a little while.
Destrier turned his attention back to Eaglewing and Cocoaberry. As long as she stayed where she was behind him, the colt wouldn't relax. He was running on protective instinct and his guard training at the moment, and Destrier had no idea how long Eaglewing could hold himself upright before he would collapse from the strain; this could be a very bad thing depending upon how he fell.
"Cocoaberry, come around to me. You're safe now. The other can't hurt you. Both Eaglewing and I need your help." He spoke very soothingly using his voice to coax her forward. Cocoaberry stood where she was for a moment seemingly rooted to the spot, with eyes on the floor for a moment, breathing hard. Then she moved around the flyer to his commander.
"Thank you, Cocoa."
Eaglewing instantly relaxed at the sight of Cocoaberry unharmed, his rump meeting the floor.
The rest of him would have sagged to the floor as well, but now Destrier's magic held him up. The wounds upon his body had mostly been attended to, and the blood flow from the knife wound was slower than when the unicorn had arrived.
"What do you want me to do, Comm… Destrier?"
"I need you to remove the blade using your magic," Destrier said, keeping his voice calm and even. "Quickly, so that he won't be in too much pain and I can start the healing."
There were sounds from the kitchen as Honeycrisp and Wildflower put the food away, talking so softly that their conversation was a merest mutterings to those in the dining room. Lightning flashed again; followed by a loud crash of thunder that made Cocoaberry jump, and then the rain started falling heavily outside.
"I-I don't think I could do it," Cocoaberry said, her expression changing to one of horror. She shied away from the pair near her. "I don't want to! Can't someone else do it?"
"Besides myself, there is only one unicorn other than you in this room," Destrier shifted his good eye to Charger, "and I'm afraid he's busy with that filthy misbegotten son of a mule. It won't take that long, Cocoaberry, just the merest of moments."
Cocoaberry looked doubtful, but then wordlessly stepped forward to do as she was asked. It was a good thing because during their conversation, Eaglewing started showing signs of acute distress. The colt's azure eyes were dilated in fear and he was panting heavily. This was bad. Destrier knew what he had to do. He would have to put Eaglewing under a control spell before slipping into his own healing trance. He hated using the control spell because it drained his magic and would make Eaglewing's recovery slower than if he just used his healing magic upon him, but he had no choice; he couldn't risk the flyer panicking and bleeding out, or injuring anyone else in the room, including the former commander himself.
"Look at me, Eaglewing!" Destrier said in a commanding voice. The scarlet unicorn's horn began to glow a brilliant gold. The Pegasus watched as a small ball of golden light appeared before his eyes, sparkling and spinning. Inside his mind, he could hear the commander telling him to relax and that everything was going to be alright. The words and the little dancing ball of light soothed away his fear. He could hear his mother singing him lullaby, her smiling face appearing where the ball had been. She took her colt into her hooves, rocking him gently and crooning her lullaby to him. He was so happy to be warm and safe.
"Do it now, Cocoaberry!" Destrier said sharply to the mare standing beside him. Cocoaberry couldn't see the ball of light. She knew nothing of what the commander was doing. She did as she was asked. Her magic, nearly the same color as her mane appeared about the handle of the blade, sliding it quickly from the damaged flesh. The weapon was swiftly replaced with a deep blue glow that now emanated from the larger stallion's horn. The Pegasus never moved, not even when the bloody knife dropped to the floor, clattering loudly. Then she bolted and ran to the kitchen to find relief in her friends and work.
The healing took a while. The outside storm gained strength, the winds picking up and the rain falling harder than ever. Soon the ponies within the lodge could hear the clatter of hail striking the roof and windows. Lightning flashed, followed swiftly by loud and near continuous thunder.
Honeycrisp left her friends in the kitchen, wanting to see how Eaglewing was faring, but it was not good. He had a slight grayish tinge to his coat and that made her wonder if it was too late to save him. She shook the thought out of her mind and moved through the room, heading off down the hall and into the storage closet. There were things she was sure the soldiers were going to need and getting them for them would give her something other than the possible death of the Pegasus to think about.
She dragged a featherbed into the room, moving it closer to where Destrier and Eaglewing were. The white pony never moved, nor did the larger unicorn. Charger only moved when he noticed the prisoner starting to shift his weight in his direction. That only brought another zap.
"I've done all that I can." Destrier drew back from Eaglewing. He looked exhausted. The Pegasus was lowered gently onto the bedding. "The rest is up to Eaglewing."
There was a loud banging at the door, followed quickly by Stormchaser and another weather pony Honeycrisp didn't recognize.
"Twister's comin' — you all need… what in the Celestia's name happened here?" he asked, noticing the blood, the knife and the still twitching thief. He looked as shocked as he sounded.
"It's long story. Did you say a twister is coming?" Honeycrisp asked, turning to look out the window. She couldn't see a thing. It was just raining too hard.
"Yeah. It's heading right for the Lodge. You better get into the basement until it passes!"
"We can't move him," Destrier said wearily. "I healed a good amount of the damage, there's a very weak spot on an artery near his heart. If he's bumped too hard, he could bleed to death internally."
"How long to we have until the twister gets here?" Honeycrisp asked, only her eyes showed the fear she was feeling. Because of that, Destrier made up his mind.
"Less than ten minutes, tops," Stormchaser said quickly. "Where are Wildflower, Sunglow and Cocoaberry?"
"Cocoa and Wildflower are in the kitchen. Sunglow went to Twilight Sparkle's house to send a letter about a half hour ago," Honeycrisp said, her voice shaking now. "That's not enough time! We can't get anything to protect all of us. There's a large closet in the hall, but we can't leave Eaglewing to the storm!"
"I can shield us in this room. Wildflower and Cocoaberry, get in here now!" Destrier said, knowing that he could use that very same spell that he had used to defend against the knife attack, only widening it so that it would repel a collapsing building once the storm tore it to pieces. The mares appeared and entered the room gathering close by their friends, but staying away from the electric blue pony. Destrier had a momentary thought to leave him out of the shield and let the building and storm take care of him, but with his luck, the twister could miss them and creep would disappear. Explaining that to Lanceor would be hard.
A window blew open hard, banging in the hard wind, and the lamps blew out, leaving the ponies in complete darkness. More windows exploded, showering the shield with tiny shards of glass as the winds roared outside. Some of the ponies made soft noises of pain as the air pressure changed and their ears popped. Debris slammed into the walls and roof. There was a tearing sound, of the clay roof shingles being ripped away by the tornado. Yet the roof timbers held. The lodge shivered under the onslaught but in the end stood standing mostly undamaged aside from the windows, the impact of some of the debris to the outer walls and the roof. All inside the dining room were safe.
As quickly as it had come, the tornado lifted into the clouds and disappeared. It became still both outside and inside the lodge as Destrier's shield dissipated. Honeycrisp gave the big red unicorn pony and affectionate nuzzle of thanks, before turning her attention to a sobbing Cocoaberry. Charger did the same with Wildflower who was huddled against him. The weather ponies followed the wind leaving the group behind to give chase.
Eaglewing slept through the entire event.
The would be killer jumped to his feet while Charger was distracted and raced for the door, only to find his way blocked by a pair of Pegasus guard ponies, who upon hearing Sunglow's cry of "That's him! The one who tried to kill me!" tackled him roughly.
"Hey! Don't rough him up too much! My father will think I did it. I'll get my rump chewed if he's too damaged!"
Swordread Shieldon stepped around the struggling group, turning his attention to the large red unicorn in the middle of the room.
"What a day, huh Red?" he said cheerfully as he walked further into the room. "Catching a suspected murderer red-hoofed, and then nearly getting blown back to Canterlot in a twister! If this is what retirement is like, I might just consider it myself. Uh… Red? You okay?"
"I'm… so tired," Destrier said softly. He took a step towards the newly arrived guard, but then he tottered for a moment and fell lifelessly to the floor.
Eaglewing swallowed hard and tears filled his eyes. Destrier knew that being told that you were indeed dying wasn't an easy thing to accept, especially for one so young.
"You aren't dead yet, soldier. I'm going to try and heal you, and I may just be able to prevent that from happening," the scarlet unicorn said, "But I need you to pay attention to everything I tell you from here on out. Do you understand?"
"Yes sir."
"Good colt." Destrier turned his attention to the mares that Eaglewing still stood protectively in front of. The chocolate colored unicorn worried him a bit. She seemed to be very close to breaking down into tears, something that Eaglewing didn't need at the moment, but Destrier spoke to Sunglow first; he had a more urgent task for her. Cocoaberry would be needed for an important task momentarily.
"Sunglow, I need you to go to the library and ask Twilight Sparkle to send a letter to the Captain of Princess Celestia's personal guard, Lanceor Shieldon. Explain what has happened here and that we need guards to escort the prisoner to dungeons beneath the castle. Can you do this for me?"
"I can." The golden Pegasus looked at the tall scarlet unicorn and nodded, relief crossing her face as she headed for the door. There was a low rumble of thunder outside, though the storm still sounded a ways off. It would arrive soon; one could smell the rain in the air and the wind was starting to pick up. "Lanceor Shieldon, Captain of her highness' personal guard. Got it."
Honeycrisp watched her go and glanced at Wildflower. The other earth pony was terribly frightened but kept her fears to herself, except for a worried glance to the thief and to Charger.
There was crash of thunder outside. The storm was getting closer.
"Wildflower and I better go and bring the supplies in before the storm hits," she said, stepping just past the slowly recovering bandit. He snapped his file sharpened teeth at her right rear hoof as she passed, and Honeycrisp reacted instinctively. She flattened her ears, whinnied loudly, reared and brought both of her front hooves down hard upon the prone unicorn's muzzle, knocking out several of his teeth, causing him to yelp from the pain.
At the noise, Destrier turned and looked at the three other ponies, his glance moving from Honeycrisp to Charger, at once assuming the other male had just lashed out at the prisoner. The younger unicorn made a little motion with his head to indicate the paint mare. She, on the other hoof, simply glared at the thief and shook her left foot menacing above his bleeding snout. The red stallion smirked a little. His Honey had spirit.
"Someone's still frisky. Charger, you need to zap him again. Just don't kill him."
"Yes sir! Step back, Miss Honeycrisp. I don't want to hurt you."
"Thank you, Charger," Honeycrisp said with a grin as the thief began to writhe again from Charger's jolt. Then she turned and walked out of the dining room, pausing only to collect Wildflower. The other earth pony mare all but ran from the room, just happy to be away from the carnage within if only for a little while.
Destrier turned his attention back to Eaglewing and Cocoaberry. As long as she stayed where she was behind him, the colt wouldn't relax. He was running on protective instinct and his guard training at the moment, and Destrier had no idea how long Eaglewing could hold himself upright before he would collapse from the strain; this could be a very bad thing depending upon how he fell.
"Cocoaberry, come around to me. You're safe now. The other can't hurt you. Both Eaglewing and I need your help." He spoke very soothingly using his voice to coax her forward. Cocoaberry stood where she was for a moment seemingly rooted to the spot, with eyes on the floor for a moment, breathing hard. Then she moved around the flyer to his commander.
"Thank you, Cocoa."
Eaglewing instantly relaxed at the sight of Cocoaberry unharmed, his rump meeting the floor.
The rest of him would have sagged to the floor as well, but now Destrier's magic held him up. The wounds upon his body had mostly been attended to, and the blood flow from the knife wound was slower than when the unicorn had arrived.
"What do you want me to do, Comm… Destrier?"
"I need you to remove the blade using your magic," Destrier said, keeping his voice calm and even. "Quickly, so that he won't be in too much pain and I can start the healing."
There were sounds from the kitchen as Honeycrisp and Wildflower put the food away, talking so softly that their conversation was a merest mutterings to those in the dining room. Lightning flashed again; followed by a loud crash of thunder that made Cocoaberry jump, and then the rain started falling heavily outside.
"I-I don't think I could do it," Cocoaberry said, her expression changing to one of horror. She shied away from the pair near her. "I don't want to! Can't someone else do it?"
"Besides myself, there is only one unicorn other than you in this room," Destrier shifted his good eye to Charger, "and I'm afraid he's busy with that filthy misbegotten son of a mule. It won't take that long, Cocoaberry, just the merest of moments."
Cocoaberry looked doubtful, but then wordlessly stepped forward to do as she was asked. It was a good thing because during their conversation, Eaglewing started showing signs of acute distress. The colt's azure eyes were dilated in fear and he was panting heavily. This was bad. Destrier knew what he had to do. He would have to put Eaglewing under a control spell before slipping into his own healing trance. He hated using the control spell because it drained his magic and would make Eaglewing's recovery slower than if he just used his healing magic upon him, but he had no choice; he couldn't risk the flyer panicking and bleeding out, or injuring anyone else in the room, including the former commander himself.
"Look at me, Eaglewing!" Destrier said in a commanding voice. The scarlet unicorn's horn began to glow a brilliant gold. The Pegasus watched as a small ball of golden light appeared before his eyes, sparkling and spinning. Inside his mind, he could hear the commander telling him to relax and that everything was going to be alright. The words and the little dancing ball of light soothed away his fear. He could hear his mother singing him lullaby, her smiling face appearing where the ball had been. She took her colt into her hooves, rocking him gently and crooning her lullaby to him. He was so happy to be warm and safe.
"Do it now, Cocoaberry!" Destrier said sharply to the mare standing beside him. Cocoaberry couldn't see the ball of light. She knew nothing of what the commander was doing. She did as she was asked. Her magic, nearly the same color as her mane appeared about the handle of the blade, sliding it quickly from the damaged flesh. The weapon was swiftly replaced with a deep blue glow that now emanated from the larger stallion's horn. The Pegasus never moved, not even when the bloody knife dropped to the floor, clattering loudly. Then she bolted and ran to the kitchen to find relief in her friends and work.
The healing took a while. The outside storm gained strength, the winds picking up and the rain falling harder than ever. Soon the ponies within the lodge could hear the clatter of hail striking the roof and windows. Lightning flashed, followed swiftly by loud and near continuous thunder.
Honeycrisp left her friends in the kitchen, wanting to see how Eaglewing was faring, but it was not good. He had a slight grayish tinge to his coat and that made her wonder if it was too late to save him. She shook the thought out of her mind and moved through the room, heading off down the hall and into the storage closet. There were things she was sure the soldiers were going to need and getting them for them would give her something other than the possible death of the Pegasus to think about.
She dragged a featherbed into the room, moving it closer to where Destrier and Eaglewing were. The white pony never moved, nor did the larger unicorn. Charger only moved when he noticed the prisoner starting to shift his weight in his direction. That only brought another zap.
"I've done all that I can." Destrier drew back from Eaglewing. He looked exhausted. The Pegasus was lowered gently onto the bedding. "The rest is up to Eaglewing."
There was a loud banging at the door, followed quickly by Stormchaser and another weather pony Honeycrisp didn't recognize.
"Twister's comin' — you all need… what in the Celestia's name happened here?" he asked, noticing the blood, the knife and the still twitching thief. He looked as shocked as he sounded.
"It's long story. Did you say a twister is coming?" Honeycrisp asked, turning to look out the window. She couldn't see a thing. It was just raining too hard.
"Yeah. It's heading right for the Lodge. You better get into the basement until it passes!"
"We can't move him," Destrier said wearily. "I healed a good amount of the damage, there's a very weak spot on an artery near his heart. If he's bumped too hard, he could bleed to death internally."
"How long to we have until the twister gets here?" Honeycrisp asked, only her eyes showed the fear she was feeling. Because of that, Destrier made up his mind.
"Less than ten minutes, tops," Stormchaser said quickly. "Where are Wildflower, Sunglow and Cocoaberry?"
"Cocoa and Wildflower are in the kitchen. Sunglow went to Twilight Sparkle's house to send a letter about a half hour ago," Honeycrisp said, her voice shaking now. "That's not enough time! We can't get anything to protect all of us. There's a large closet in the hall, but we can't leave Eaglewing to the storm!"
"I can shield us in this room. Wildflower and Cocoaberry, get in here now!" Destrier said, knowing that he could use that very same spell that he had used to defend against the knife attack, only widening it so that it would repel a collapsing building once the storm tore it to pieces. The mares appeared and entered the room gathering close by their friends, but staying away from the electric blue pony. Destrier had a momentary thought to leave him out of the shield and let the building and storm take care of him, but with his luck, the twister could miss them and creep would disappear. Explaining that to Lanceor would be hard.
A window blew open hard, banging in the hard wind, and the lamps blew out, leaving the ponies in complete darkness. More windows exploded, showering the shield with tiny shards of glass as the winds roared outside. Some of the ponies made soft noises of pain as the air pressure changed and their ears popped. Debris slammed into the walls and roof. There was a tearing sound, of the clay roof shingles being ripped away by the tornado. Yet the roof timbers held. The lodge shivered under the onslaught but in the end stood standing mostly undamaged aside from the windows, the impact of some of the debris to the outer walls and the roof. All inside the dining room were safe.
As quickly as it had come, the tornado lifted into the clouds and disappeared. It became still both outside and inside the lodge as Destrier's shield dissipated. Honeycrisp gave the big red unicorn pony and affectionate nuzzle of thanks, before turning her attention to a sobbing Cocoaberry. Charger did the same with Wildflower who was huddled against him. The weather ponies followed the wind leaving the group behind to give chase.
Eaglewing slept through the entire event.
The would be killer jumped to his feet while Charger was distracted and raced for the door, only to find his way blocked by a pair of Pegasus guard ponies, who upon hearing Sunglow's cry of "That's him! The one who tried to kill me!" tackled him roughly.
"Hey! Don't rough him up too much! My father will think I did it. I'll get my rump chewed if he's too damaged!"
Swordread Shieldon stepped around the struggling group, turning his attention to the large red unicorn in the middle of the room.
"What a day, huh Red?" he said cheerfully as he walked further into the room. "Catching a suspected murderer red-hoofed, and then nearly getting blown back to Canterlot in a twister! If this is what retirement is like, I might just consider it myself. Uh… Red? You okay?"
"I'm… so tired," Destrier said softly. He took a step towards the newly arrived guard, but then he tottered for a moment and fell lifelessly to the floor.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH!!
Yes!!!! My favorite anime series EVAR retold in HD and with new character designs!
I'm so happy I have created pony!
Yes!!!! My favorite anime series EVAR retold in HD and with new character designs!
I'm so happy I have created pony!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 2/18
A Friend in Deed
Cranky and Matilda's relationship had many similarities with the story of Honeycrisp and Destrier that I laughed out loud and my husband turned and said that the way they met, lost and found one another made him think of the flashback sequence in "A Soldier in Silver."
Glad I posted those missing chapters before the episode premiered!
Cranky and Matilda's relationship had many similarities with the story of Honeycrisp and Destrier that I laughed out loud and my husband turned and said that the way they met, lost and found one another made him think of the flashback sequence in "A Soldier in Silver."
Glad I posted those missing chapters before the episode premiered!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
A Soldier in Silver up to date with three new to Blogger chapters uploaded tonight.
I finally got around to uploading the beta read version of "A Soldier in Silver" to my blog. I uploaded three new chapters tonight. It is now completely up to date with the current files I have already uploaded to Deviant Art. (I usually upload to dA first, here second.) So now if you are reading my story here, you are now current.
A Soldier in Silver Chapter 9
Honeycrisp escorted the males to their lodgings two more mares appeared from a
side room; Destrier recognized the brown unicorn with the strawberry red mane
and tail that had been with Honey at the Gala years ago, and a palomino Pegasus.
Both looked at the newcomers with interest and smiled at the stallions as Honey
stopped to introduce them. The unicorn smiled broadly, said her name was Cocoaberry
and shook hooves, and the Pegasus giggled saying that she was called Sunglow.
Honey told them that her name was actually Honeycrisp, which given her apple
cutie mark, the name was fitting. Not that he was staring at her flank… no not
at all.
Given that Eaglewing was completely without
the ability to speak at the moment, Destrier again made the introductions to
the trio of lovely mares, each representing the three races of Equestria. Once
finished, Honeycrisp resumed her task of showing the stallions to their
respective quarters.
rooms of this modest inn were not as luxurious as one would find in an
expensive hotel suite in Canterlot, but they were more than comfortable for a
trio of soldiers whose duties had sometimes required them to sleep on the
ground out in a field. The beds were large enough for a pony of Destrier’s size
to sleep with ease. There was a writing desk in each room and enough space for
the former guards to put their belongings. All for just fifty bits a week,
meals included.
bounded into his room, finally finding his voice to excuse himself from the company
of the Commander and Honeycrisp. He needed to rest for Pinkie’s party later
that evening.
Pie is throwing you a party?” Honeycrisp asked the scarlet unicorn with a
smile. “You might want to rest up as well, Commander. You’re in for a long night.”
not going.”
didn’t promise her you would attend, did you?”
made no promises. My companions did.”
didn’t swear on it? Something like ’Cross your heart, hope the fly, cupcake-
in- the- eye’ type of swear?”
Destrier said, a confused look crossing his face. He had to ask why. There was
no way around it.
that’s good. Pinkie gets a bit upset if someone breaks a ‘Pinkie’ Swear. She
can be downright scary when she’s upset.”
raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. He'd faced down dragons before; what could
a little pink earth pony do to a well trained former guard pony, even if she
was one of the Elements of Harmony?
should put in an appearance, you know. Just go in, say hello to Pinkie and her
friends, eat some cake and drink some punch. Meet some of the other residents
of Ponyville. Thank Pinkie for the party, but tell her you are so very tired
from travelling and need to get some sleep. It shouldn’t take more than a half
hour to forty five minutes at the most.”
you be there?”
wasn’t invited. ”
inviting you now. Please? I don’t know anyone else in Ponyville outside of
Eaglewing and Charger. Forty five minutes with complete strangers would seem like
an eternity, especially since most will avoid talking to me because I’m
disfigured; that scares some ponies.”
knew that he didn’t want sympathy, Destrier was simply stating fact. Even when
her friends here had been introduced to both stallions, they had directed most
of their comments to Eaglewing, despite the fact that the colt was all but
mute. They glanced at and then quickly away from the scarred unicorn and barely
said a thing to him outside of a few pleasantries.
was weird to the little paint pony, because Destrier didn’t look horrible to
her. The scar lines were thin, pink and well healed, and whatever damage there
was to his eye was hidden behind that closed eyelid. There was no torn and
hanging skin, no open wounds weeping blood and gore, and no exposed bone. He
just didn’t look like a hideous monster in her opinion. If anything, the scars
made him more intriguing to her.
I’ll go with you. I think I can spare forty five minutes from my busy schedule
for a Pinkie party,” she said with a wink before turning to go. “Since I am
going with you, I think it would be a good idea if we both get some rest before
going. See you later, soldier.”
you, Honey…crisp.”
all the party was fun. Pinkie Pie had arrived to escort the newcomers to her
party, cheerfully chattering all the way, bouncing along effortlessly like she
had spring-loaded hooves. The party was located at the local bakery and sweet
shop called Sugar Cube Corner. Eaglewing flew behind her, nodding in agreement
to whatever she was saying. Charger and Wildflower followed, still engrossed in
conversation about their childhood together. Destrier and Honeycrisp were last,
the paint pony talking about her relatives that lived there in Ponyville.
found that he'd had such a good time that he hadn't even noticed if anyone
stared at him or not, since he was engaged in conversation with many of
Honeycrisp’s friends and family. He even felt honored to meet the other five
wielders of the Elements of Harmony.
Charger was reunited with more old friends and
Eaglewing was a hit with the youngest partygoers. The colts and fillies seem to
flock to him, finding the Pegasus a source of amusing stories, silly faces and
fun games. This didn’t surprise Destrier at all, for it seemed that Eaglewing
was very much a young colt himself.
long the party went on, Destrier didn’t know. He and Honeycrisp left earlier
than most of the others, though not as early as they had originally planned. Honey smiled as the larger pony trotted along
side her in a good mood, happy with how things had turned out this evening. He
walked her to her little house that was on the property of the Lodge and was
completely caught off guard when Honeycrisp kissed him lightly on his scarred
cheek, thanking him for taking her on a fun “date” before she went inside.
next day, the scarlet unicorn was up as early as he normally would have been if
he had still been in the Guard. Old
habits were very hard to break after all. After breakfast in the dining room of
the Inn, he found Honeycrisp outside “fixin’ to do her daily chores,” as she
said in her soft twang. She had to get a load of apples from her cousins at
Sweet Apple Acres, pick up some kitchen supplies for Cocoaberry, buy some more
linen, groceries and other assorted items for the lodge and make the bank
deposit. Destrier volunteered to help her, saying that he would be more than
happy to do so. Although she appreciated his willingness to help, she protested
because he was a guest and shouldn’t have to do so.
conversation was interrupted when a loud skidding and tearing noise sounded
above them. The pair looked up at a large storm cloud grey Pegasus with a
tornado cutie mark as he shook the remnants of the damaged roof tiles from his
shouted Honeycrisp angrily. “Why can’t you land with finesse? You are going to
have to pay to fix my roof — again!”
pony smiled, leapt down from the roof and landed lightly in front of her.
my favorite variety of apple, so sweet and tasty,” the Pegasus said in flirtatious
tones. He leaned in and picked up Honeycrisp’s right hoof to place a kiss on it,
oblivious to the murderous look he had gotten from her large scarlet companion.
“Why aren’t you my mare, lovely?
dun know, could it be because you’re a complete jerk that keeps wreaking my
place of business, maybe?” Honey snapped, snatching her hoof away from him. “You
better have a good reason for tearing up the lodge.”
might want to get things done as soon as possible today, oh Crispy one. Looks
like there’s bad weather on the way. Not just rain, either.”
would have said more, but the weather team leader appeared and called him back
up into the clouds. He gave Honey a cheeky smile as he leapt skyward, vanishing
as swiftly as he had appeared.
‘bout that,” Honeycrisp said to Destrier. “Stormchaser’s a jerk sometimes, but
he’s always right about the weather; we better get a move on.”
the time she was finished, she had two large carts and heavy saddlebags. As
strong an earth pony as she was, Honeycrisp couldn’t haul all of her things
back to the lodge on her own, and gratefully accepted his help. Destrier took one of the carts, the one with
all the apples and one of the larger saddlebags.
ran into Wildflower and Charger coming out of the Whitetail woods, the pair
loaded down with colorful fall foliage and flowers that she would use to make
decorations for the lodge.
four talked happily as they neared the building, but the conversation abruptly
stopped when a piercing scream came from within the inn itself. Destrier used
his magic to disengage himself from the cart and followed Charger into the Inn,
followed by the mares.
the money?” a strange voice demanded hoarsely. “Give it to me!”
halted quickly, when a knife embedded itself in the wall beside him. Destrier
snarled a low curse as he took in the scene. A strange pony stood in the middle
of the room, a unicorn with a mangy electric blue coat and matted greasy brown
mane and tail. His teeth seemed to have been filed into sharp fangs like those
of a carnivore. Around the pony floated an assortment of knives. There were
more sticking out of various pieces of furniture in the room and worst of all
one large knife was buried to the handle in the chest of Eaglewing, who stood
protectively in front of Sunglow and Cocoaberry.
had several small wounds. But none were as bad as the knife in his chest; it
was way too close to his heart. Blood flowed about the wound, forming a puddle
at his feet. Though severely wounded, the young guard pony stood his ground on
shaky legs, his eyes never leaving the unicorn stranger.
the blue unicorn sent a knife flying towards Eaglewing, but this time it was rebounded
harmlessly away; Destrier had called upon his shield magic, a spell that all
unicorn guard soldiers learned upon entering the Academy. Using this magic he
pushed the blue unicorn away from the injured. He had succeeded in getting the
twitchy thief away from his victims, but then what? Eaglewing’s injury was
priority. Without a healing and soon, the colt could die. Destrier would have
to hone all that he had into the healing; he could not waste his magic upon
disarming and imprisoning the attacker.
seemed to know the conflict going on within his commander.
take care of it, sir,” said the grey unicorn.
eye widened in horror thinking that Charger would burn the Lodge to ashes in an
effort to contain the bandit, just as he'd done before. How else could a fire
generator stop a thief? He started to tell him no when the knife thrower sent
another sharp missile in their direction. Charger pawed the ground and took a
fighting stance. Before Destrier could stop him, Charger's horn sparked, his
eyes went white and he sent an electric bolt crashing into the criminal. The
blue pony jerked hard and flailed wildly, finally collapsing in a heap upon the
stepped over him and moved to Eaglewing. He was shaking harder than ever,
fighting to remain upright. Destrier could also see that the young stallion was
very scared. It was going to be hard to keep him calm. If Eaglewing suddenly
panicked once the blade was removed, he would bleed to death in minutes, and at
the best of times Eaglewing was already very flighty. Destrier wasn’t sure the
Pegasus guard was going to make it; he had lost so much blood already.
dying, aren’t I, sir?” Eaglewing asked as Destrier approached.
you are, colt.”
A Soldier in Silver Chapter 8
~Six years prior~
least it was a cool night. That was about all Destrier could find appealing
about working security for the Grand Galloping Gala. Other than that, it was
boring. He shifted from hoof to hoof waiting for someone to relieve him from
his post, so that he could walk the perimeter of the castle. His battalion had
volunteered to work the party. Commander Winterborne had chosen his best troops
for the task personally, twenty in all. Then he assigned some of the group to
appear in civilian attire and mingle with the guests, while others would wear
their full armor. Destrier had been chosen to appear in his armor. He didn’t
appeared on schedule, nodding to the scarlet pony as he took the position near
the front gate of the castle that Destrier vacated. Destrier wouldn’t have to
return to the gate this night. He was now on patrol along the interior of the
had been on watch for about twenty five minutes when the doors from the
ballroom opened and a mare stepped outside. She didn’t notice the guard in the
shadows, letting out a sigh and standing still for a few moments, with her head
thrown back and eyes closed. It was like she was trying to calm herself down,
taking deep breaths. He wondered if she was upset about something.
she opened her eyes and let out a soft gasp. She ran to the edge of the balcony
and threw her forelegs over the rail, placing a foot on the lower rung.
Destrier was never so shocked in his life. She was going to try to take her own
life? He couldn’t allow that!
do it!” he commanded sharply, startling the mare. Her foot slipped off the
lower rail and she looked at him with wide eyes. Seeing that he had scared her,
he spoke more gently. “He’s not worth it. They aren’t worth it. Not one. Don’t
let them make you jump.”
she said, looking at him with confused expression, her forelegs still draped
over the top rail. Then she smiled and laughed. “Oh no, darlin’ there ain’t a
one of them there stuck up, drown-if-they-are-caught-in-a-sudden-downpour
ponies that I would be willin’ to jump for.”
looked upset and then you ran to the edge…” he said feeling stupid.
tired. My feet hurt. Makes me out of sorts. I’m on my break, so I thought I
should get some fresh air; it’s awful stuffy in there. Then I saw a shooting
star. I guess I’m still a foal at heart; I rushed to make a wish. Silly, ain’t
it? Look, there’s another one!”
Destrier spent nearly an hour talking to the mare and watching the meteor
shower. He usually wasn’t quite so open normally, but there was something about
her that put him at ease. He found that liked her. She was really cute, what
with her black and white mane, gold and white painted coat and deep brown eyes.
He could have spent all night just talking to her, but that was not to be.
called a brown mare with a deep strawberry red mane that was leaning out the
door, “Breaks over, I really could use some help.”
right in, Cocoa,” Honey said, giving Destrier an apologetic look. “Duty calls.
Cocoa will be fixin’ to kick my tail if I stay out any longer. It was nice
talking to you…”
like that. It suits you. Have a good night.”
too, Honey.”
smiled and went inside. The glass doors closing behind her as she rejoined her
friend in serving the patrons who attended the Gala. He watched for just a
moment longer and then went on his way, hoping to look her up in town on his
next leave day. He would learn that she wasn’t from Canterlot after spending
all of the day looking, and had already gone. He had no idea where she was
from. He was going to try Ponyville next week.
was three days later when a small flea-bitten circus came to Canterlot.
~Current day~
was definitely Honey. Her mane was longer than he remembered, but it was her.
From her pretty brown eyes to the swath of white on her right foreleg, it was
her. Destrier stared down at her, shocked to see her again. She was looking up
at him with curiosity, and slightly tilted her head to the left as she gazed at
him but he was pretty certain that she didn’t recognize him.
knew that he looked different, what with his disfigurement and the fact that he
wasn’t in the highly polished golden armor that the Royal Guard wore on special
occasions like the Grand Galloping Gala.
it was better this way.
can I help you Gentlecolts today?” she asked, her soft twang inflecting her
words. Of course she would have noticed Charger and Eaglewing standing behind
him. Yet neither of them spoke up. How typical this was becoming. He was going
to have to do everything.
yes. We’ve travelled all the way from Canterlot and were wondering if there
were any rooms to let.” Destrier inquired, “Also, there’s an old friend of my
companion Charger here that is said to work here; a pony by the name of
had turned slightly when he spoke as to indicate the gray unicorn behind him,
gesturing with his hoof for the colt to step forward. In doing so he completely
missed out on the look of surprised recognition Honey-better known to all in
Ponyville as Honeycrisp- gave him.
the little paint mare hadn’t remembered Destrier by appearance, she did
remember his voice. In her opinion, there hadn’t been any stallions that could
make her skin feel tingly all over just by talking to her. Just one did- the
tall handsome scarlet unicorn in the bright gold armor. Destrier had “the
voice”, rough and gravelly when barking out a command, yet deep and husky when
he spoke in more soothing tones. She could listen to him read the History of
Equestria from start to finish and thoroughly enjoy it, as she had told
Cocoaberry time and again.
talking about her encounter with the Guardian at the Gala, Honeycrisp always
mentioned his voice and the effect it had on her. When asked why she wasn’t
married to that guard pony, Honeycrisp’s answer was simple: After learning of
the circus tragedy in Canterlot she had gone back and enquired after her
scarlet guard, and had been told that he had died fighting the Chimera that had
gone berserk. Saddened by losing a new
friend, Honeycrisp never went back to Canterlot again.
there had been a crimson coated Pegasus Guard named Firefall that had been
killed by the creature. Foolishly he baited the maddened beast, showing off to
his comrades as he dipped and dodged about the Chimera’s two heads and lethal
claws while completely ignoring the third head, a serpent that acted as the
creature’s tail. The snake head caught him on the left foreleg above the knee, the
sharp fangs driving in deep into his flesh, its paralyzing venom acted almost
immediately. Firefall fell limply to the ground in front of the creature, which
in its fury tore him to pieces.
was he that the exhausted Pegasus Guard had been thinking of when Honeycrisp
made her query about a red coated Guardian pony and got the terrible answer.
was so glad her guardian was still alive, she almost hugged him. Almost, until
she noticed the expression on all three of the stallions faces when Wildflower
came out into the foyer, looking curiously at the males. Honeycrisp rolled her
eyes and stepped back so that Wildflower could get a better look at the young
gray unicorn.
hadn’t quite seen an earth pony as stunning as Wildflower. The cornflower blue mare
with the long braided lilac mane caught him by surprise. He heard a swift
intake of breath next to him, and knew that Charger’s parents might have been
right for taking their son away from Ponyville. Had the colt been able to watch
her blossom into this beautiful pony, he doubted Charger would have left her
side to join the Royal Guard at all.
leaned slightly to her left, glancing at Charger’s flank. Then she smiled
widely and gave the colt a hug. “Charger, it is you!” she said, deep green eyes
tearing up. “I remember when you got your cutie mark, you were so proud of the
lightning! I missed you so much!”
think that they may need at little alone time so that they can catch up.”
Honeycrisp said briskly. “Would you like to see your rooms?”
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