Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This morning I posted a new piece of art on my dA. It was immediately faved and when I went to check on the people who faved it, one of them was someone that I knew was banned a month ago.

When you would thank her for the fave, she would post a stock reply about how if you went and liked/commented on her videos on Youtube, she would see to it that you would get lots of watchers and faves on your dA. She did this to a few of my pieces and like an idiot I believed her and faved, commented on her latest video.

And got nothing. Then she and another user faved my art again and I got the same stock reply from both.

I reported them.

This is against deviantArt's rules and she summarily was banned.

I did nothing this time, I just ignored her. Then I thought I should report her for ban evasion and when I got in tonight I was going to do just that. I clicked on her user name and the account had a note saying that she was permabanned.


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