This is a mostly story blog of the MLP OC Character Honeycrisp. While she will have some interaction with the Mane characters, but it will be minor,I won't try to make her fit in with them. That also means that there will not be any romance between my OC and a canon character, be it male or female.
Also, I will make some general commentary on the MLP FiM episodes as well.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Updates 1/22
On Deviant Art: My drawing "What Big Brothers Are Good For" has been my most faved one yet, standing at 17 faves so far. That's pretty good if you are an unknown artist like me who is about as likely to get some thing on Equestria Daily as finding a snowball in hell. If my character shows up on EQD ever, it will be because someone drew her other than me.
Speaking of commissions: I asked someone on DA to do a commission of one of my characters. Her prices are reasonable, but there is a waiting list. So how come this weekend she's claiming she's bored and is posting gift images for friends and pony hearts of her characters? It'd be nice if she actually did the commissions that are waiting, including mine. Even show a progress report or something. Just saying. I understand having to wait because you are busy, but if you say you are bored and yet have a waiting list of 13 commissions, perhaps you ought to get cracking?
In other news:
My husband graciously offered to re edit my story and has done so up to the current chapter. I am going to delete what I have currently here and re post the newly re edited "A Soldier in Silver" one chapter a day until I catch up to the current one.
Monday, January 16, 2012
It's dead, Jim.
My hard drive is. Last night while trying to write the next chapter of "A Soldier in Silver",
Word kept messing up. Then I lost all ability to get onto my Email program and finally i lost everything. A virus and malware scan came up empty. We ran a diagnostic and my hard drive wouldn't respond.
We had to get a new hard drive today.
My story will be delayed until everything is reinstalled.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Dear My Little Pony Fandom and Artists
When you are posting a picture of your female character as a baby about the age of the Cake's twins, they are a foal
If the picture is of your character at the age of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, she is a filly.
If they are the age of Rarity or the other mane 6 members, she is a mare.
If the character you are posting a picture of is a male, then as a they are still a foal.
If he is a classmate of the CMC, he is a colt.
If he is an adult then he is a stallion.
Friday, January 13, 2012
A Soldier in Silver Chapter 6
Tangmare Air Station and "Fetlocks and Fillies" Pub are both owned by Tempestwulf: Used with permission.
Lanceor and Swordred Shieldon are © :GeneralDurandal: Used with permission.
Destrier, Eaglewing, Wildflower and Charger are © littlebittysami. Who is also me, Honeycrisp.
“I was wondering if you had gotten lost, Knightsbridge.” Swordread laughed, “Late as always.”
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
The sincerest form of flattery?
Here is the original: ( note that I credited both the people involved in making the base and idea itself in the description.)
and here is the other similar image.
Note the flaw in the right hoof area. They are very similar. Almost too similar to be a coincidence.
It's funny...there is a base people can use. Especially people that actually draw in Paint.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Story post: A Soldier In Silver Chapter 5
I own only the three ponies in this story nothing more. Oh and Buzzcut. I own him, too.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year!
Trying to correct my animation of Destrier is a whole heck of a lot harder than I thought. It's also aggravating and trying my patience quite a bit. I love him in his re-sized appearance.
I did post the new 10 frame stallion trot base. Maybe one day it'll get noticed. But then I'm getting used to toiling is relative obscurity.
Speaking of Destrier, the big scarlet Stallion has a last name: Knightsbridge. Now I need to get him a new cutie mark.
I don't think the dA MLP by Hand Group thing is working out. No one is interested at all. But it is an experiment and I will keep it going. Because I can be really stubborn.
Got permission to use Tangmare air station and Fetlock and Fillies for the next installment of "A Soldier in Silver." Being a fairly obtuse American from Oklahoma by way of New Jersey, I had to read up on British pubs and pub etiquette. Interesting reading. Now I can go pub crawling if I ever visit the old country. (I'm of English descent.)
The next installment of A Soldier in Silver is coming. Never fear.
I discovered something in the reading that opened my eyes a bit to an bit of old RP interaction my character had with another whose player way English: His offering to buy her a drink was a way of tipping. Barmaid Samantha (being as typically American as I am) refused the drink because she was working. In the US you give us money. We ain't squeamish about it.
Poor Giles and his player. But it worked out in the end, he got the girl.