Sunday, January 22, 2012

Updates 1/22

I doubt if anyone reads this but: Computer has been fixed for about a week.

On Deviant Art: My drawing "What Big Brothers Are Good For" has been my most faved one yet, standing at 17 faves so far.  That's pretty good if you are an unknown artist like me who is about as likely to get some thing on Equestria Daily as finding a snowball in hell. If my character shows up on EQD ever, it will be because someone drew her other than me.

Speaking of commissions: I asked someone on DA to do a commission of one of my characters. Her prices are reasonable, but there is a waiting list. So how come this weekend she's claiming she's bored and is posting gift images for friends and pony hearts of her characters? It'd be nice if she actually did the commissions that are waiting, including mine. Even show a progress report or something. Just saying. I understand having to wait because you are busy, but if you say you are bored and yet have a waiting list of 13 commissions, perhaps you ought to get cracking?

In other news:
My husband graciously offered to re edit my story and has done so up to the current chapter. I am going to delete what I have currently here and re post the newly re edited "A Soldier in Silver" one chapter a day until I catch up to the current one.

Monday, January 16, 2012

It's dead, Jim.

My hard drive is. Last night while trying to write the next chapter of "A Soldier in Silver", 
Word kept messing up. Then I lost all ability to get onto my Email program and finally i lost everything.  A virus and malware scan came up empty. We ran a diagnostic and my hard drive wouldn't respond.  
We had to get a new hard drive today.

My story will be delayed until everything is reinstalled.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dear My Little Pony Fandom and Artists

It's terminology time!

When you are posting a picture of your female character as a baby about the age of the Cake's twins, they are a foal

If the picture is of your character at the age of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, she is a filly

If they are the age of Rarity or the other mane 6 members, she is a mare.

If the character you are posting a picture of is a male, then as a they are still a foal.

If he is a classmate of the CMC, he is a colt. 

If he is an adult then he is a stallion.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Soldier in Silver Chapter 6

 Some disclaimers:
Tangmare Air Station and "Fetlocks and Fillies" Pub are both owned by Tempestwulf: Used with permission.
Lanceor and Swordred Shieldon are © :GeneralDurandal: Used with permission.
Destrier, Eaglewing, Wildflower and Charger are © littlebittysami. Who is also me, Honeycrisp.
All MLP Settings ™ Hasbro.

“Here” was a pub just outside the station known as “Fetlocks and Fillies.” If a pony was in the Royal Guard of Equestria at any point in their career, you had visited the pub at least once. Only new trainees were unaware of it, as were both Charger and Eaglewing.

Destrier used his magic to open the door and motioned for the colts to take a seat at one of the tables. He then went to the bar and to order drinks for himself and his companions. They would be here today. He was supposed to meet them here after his meeting with Princess Celestia. He wondered if they had any idea what had happened.

Destrier nodded to the bar mare Barley Hops, catching her eye as he waited his turn. It was the way one did these things. One never waved money around or yelled at the barkeep for attention because that was considered vulgar and would most likely get you ignored.  Then your fellow guards would throw you out on your bum for reflecting poorly on them, especially since the proprietor’s son was a member of the Guard.

Destrier knew better, he’d been here when his father was still alive and Courser had taught his son properly.

After getting the drinks for his charges and offering to buy a drink for Barley Hops as well, Destrier went over to the last table nearest to the fire, where his mentor and his son sat.

Lanceor and Swordread Shieldon were the best friends he had in the Guard. The dark red unicorn strode over to the younger, roughly butting shoulders with the stallion that had trained him in combat. It was a ritual greeting for both stallions, a test of strength. But it wasn’t something that they took too seriously. If you were caught by surprise and stumbled, it was something for the other to laugh about at least until the next time.

“I was wondering if you had gotten lost, Knightsbridge.” Swordread laughed, “Late as always.”

The white unicorn was still in his armor, though he had removed his helm. His brown mane was tied up in a top knot. This was just one of the things that made him stand out amongst the guards. Like his friend and his father he bore facial scars, though his was behind his eye, not through it.

“I had some detours along the way.” Destrier answered, wondering if the news had gotten to his friends. Looking at Lanceor, Destrier figured it had. The heavily scarred older unicorn was frowning. To most outsiders this was how the unicorn always looked, but Destrier knew better.  This wasn’t the usual look for the white unicorn with the broken horn and half an ear. It was more…disappointment than out right fury.

“You have left the Guard,” the older unicorn said, pretty much dispensing with the pleasantries. He wasn’t happy about this development at all and it showed.

“I am retired, my master," Destrier said keeping his eye on his commander's face and standing straight and tall. There was no slouching around a pony that was considered by most that knew him as the Supreme Commander of the Royal Guard, even though he hadn't gotten that title. He was Head Captain of Princess Celestia's Personal Guard. "I think it is about time that I did."

“Over a fire with no casualties, Guard or civilian?” growled the white unicorn incredulously. “That certainly doesn’t merit us losing a healer of your caliber, Knightsbridge.”

“I had to leave. They appointed me as liaison between the merchants and the Guard. The merchants were represented by Greenbacks. You know what Greenbacks did. You know how I think of him. Left to my own devices, I would have killed him. I will not dishonor the Royal Guard, the Princesses or you with such a thing. Retiree sounds better than a wanted murderer. ”

Lanceor’s expression became even grimmer, and Swordread swore out loud; he had a very colorful vocabulary. Destrier remembered that at the hospital after the events at the circus, Greenbacks blamed the Royal Guard for the chimera’s attack. As badly injured as he was, Destrier charged him and had to be subdued by Swordread. Lanceor had led the fat little pony away from the ward, and there was a discussion.  Destrier figured there was very little talk involved.

“You have always had Courser’s sense of honor.” Lanceor said, “You do both the Guard and his memory proud. I hate to lose you, but now I understand why you made your choice.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“So where are you going, Red?” asked Swordred, “I know you aren’t staying here.”

“Ponyville, one of my traveling companions is from there.”

“Good. The six chosen by the Elements of Harmony reside there. Having a former member of the Guard watching over them is ideal.”


All of the Royal Guard was well aware of Elements of Harmony and the six chosen ponies that could wield their power. Most knew that the chosen six lived in Ponyville. Only a few knew exactly which of the mares in that village the chosen ones were. Of course the Shieldons knew. The Captain of Princess Celestia’s personal guard would know much more that the average guard pony would not. Destrier was only in the know because he was a personal friend of the Shieldons.

“If that is a covert mission you are asking me to take on, I think I should remind you that I am retired,” Destrier said with amusement.

“Mission? Who said anything about a mission?” Lanceor said, and Destrier knew that it was exactly that. “I am just saying that having a retired guard pony there that I can trust would be an ideal situation. The chosen ones need not know that you are watching over them at all.”

“I should get going then. Would you like me send a monthly report then, sir?”

“Perhaps. Maybe send a report every six weeks or so. You should be adjusted to living in Ponyville then. I do expect you to return to Canterlot for Hearths Warming here in the pub.”

As his father and Destrier spoke about the chosen ones, Swordread had made his way over to where Charger and Eaglewing sat. He spoke to them for a short while and returned with a strange expression on his face just as his father mentioned Hearths Warming.

“We will be expecting you for Hearths Warming. It’s tradition after all.” he said, and then he shook his head and spoke with a more serious expression on his face. “Whatever you are planning to do, make sure you take the balloon to Ponyville. Don’t march them to tire the Pegasus out. I don’t think that Eaglewing shuts up; I bet he talks in his sleep. I spoke to him for what - five minutes, and I barely got a word in. I was tempted to hit him with a silencing spell, but I think that he’d try to gesture a conversation with his hooves and mouth words even if he couldn't talk.  He’ll drive you to madness if you choose to hike down the mountain. Spend the bits on yourself and Charger for the balloon. He can fly alongside.”

Swordread knew him too well, for Destrier had been thinking of doing just that. His assessment of Eaglewing was spot on, but then the white unicorn knew what to look for in trainees and could easily spot signs of trouble. He also knew that Destrier was not the most patient of ponies and Eaglewing’s constant droning on and on would wear upon his nerves.

“I think you’re right, as usual.”

“Of course I am. You forget that too often for your own good.”

Destrier chuckled and shook his head. “I will report as frequently as possible once I get settled in Ponyville, sir, and I will be back for Hearths Warming, I wouldn’t miss it. Until that time comes, farewell to you, my friends and brothers.”

With that, Destrier returned to his companions and then shepherded both Charger and Eaglewing out of the pub, nodding to the Shieldons one last time before exiting himself.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The sincerest form of flattery?

I think someone on dA may have traced one of my images.

Here is the original: ( note that I credited both the people involved in making the base and idea itself in the description.)
 and here is the other similar image.

Note the flaw in the right hoof area. They are very similar. Almost too similar to be a coincidence.
It's funny...there is a base people can use.  Especially people that actually draw in Paint.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Story post: A Soldier In Silver Chapter 5

Disclaimer: Tangmare Air Station is the creation of Tempestwolf.

 I own only the three ponies in this story nothing more. Oh and Buzzcut. I own him, too.  

Buzzcut served as resident barber to the Royal Guard ponies ever since Destrier could remember. The gruff midnight blue unicorn spoke very little, but seemed to understand what his customers wanted and finished his cutting and styling quickly. Perhaps that was his gift. Whatever it was, both Destrier and Charger were soon sporting new mane styles that suited both unicorns well.

They paid the customary ten bits each and had just left the shop when they heard the sound of wings and were greeted by the spectacle of Eaglewing hanging upside down in midair. His wings beat rapidly, not unlike a hummingbird. That he had learned that technique in the Academy was certain. 

“Hi there, teach. Whatcha doing?” asked the white Pegasus with a broad smile on his face.

“Leaving town after one more stop,” growled Destrier, who was one that didn’t like to be snuck up upon, especially on his blindside. “This is what I’d suggest you do as well, fire fanner.”

“I would do that, sir but…”

Destrier groaned. He had a very bad feeling about this, and his feelings were usually right on the money. Eaglewing righted himself and landed in front of the commander, his expression now very sober. 

“I’ve no place to go.”

His feeling correct, Destrier cut a glance at Charger, wondering if the colt had the ability to project his thoughts and speak mind to mind with those he had close bonds of friendship with. Such a talent was rare but not completely unheard of.

“You father was just here wasn’t he? Surely you could go home…”

“Dad’s a newlywed, sir. He was just married to a mare that I grew up with in Cloudsdale three days ago. We played together as foals. It’s very awkward, to say the least, sir.”

“I’ll bet.” The scarlet unicorn said dryly. “Are you asking permission to join Charger and myself on our journey?”

“Yes sir!” Eaglewing barked, saluting as he had been trained.  Charger was giving his commander a pleading look, asking to have his friend along.

“All right…”

He was so going to regret this. Destrier walked on ahead, his new charges following behind. He could feel the headache starting already.

“Where are we going?” Eaglewing asked in a stage whisper to Charger.

“To Ponyville, after the commander conducts the rest of his business here in the city.”

“Great! I heard there are lots of cute mares there.”

“My business isn’t here in the city,” Destrier put in. “I never said it was. I need to see some friends but not here, they are at the station.”

The station was better known as Tangmare Air Station. It was on the other side of the mountain from Canterlot, yet not too far away from the city. Several of the pegasi guard pony squadrons were based out of there. Not all, but several. Maneuvers were often held there for new trainees, given the location of the base.

The journey to the station was relatively uneventful, unless one counted the near relentless chatter from Eaglewing. The colt liked to talk and didn’t seem to want to quit. Charger was an interested ear and responded to his friend’s conversation with much enthusiasm. This was not the case with the younger unicorn’s former commanding officer. Try as he might, Eaglewing couldn’t get Destrier to respond to his queries with anything more than a “yes”, “no” or a “maybe”.   It frustrated the flier to no end. But then, Eaglewing talked so randomly and so often that one never knew where exactly to start.

When they arrived at Tangmare, Eaglewing let out a wistful sigh as he watched a group of his fellow pegasi going through their aerial exercises high above. “My squadron is supposed to be practicing battle maneuvers today. I would be up there with them having fun if it wasn’t for last night. What were you planning for the 145th battalion today, sir?”

“Fire Prevention,” the large stallion answered dryly.

Charger paled a little, and Destrier gave him a sympathetic look; he wasn’t completely heartless.

 “You just need to learn how to control your magic better, colt. Fire generation is an extremely powerful elemental magic and can be both a useful tool and a destructive weapon for its wielder once control is learned.”

“Not much good that’s going to do me now that I’m discharged,” Charger said sounding discouraged. “Not even my dad will teach me anything anymore.”

“You aren’t traveling with a Royal Guard Academy magic instructor or anything like that.”

“You can teach me, sir?”

“What have I been trying to do in the last year, colt? Of course I can teach you.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Don’t thank me yet, foal. I may be a difficult task master now that I am teaching you one on one instead of in a classroom with 19 other guard trainees.” He stopped and looked up, a smile appearing on his scarred face. “We’re here.”

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Everypony! Hope everyone has a wonderful 2012.


Trying to correct my animation of Destrier is a whole heck of a lot harder than I thought. It's also aggravating and trying my patience quite a bit. I love him in his re-sized appearance.

I did post the new 10 frame stallion trot base. Maybe one day it'll get noticed. But then I'm getting used to toiling is relative obscurity.

Speaking of Destrier, the big scarlet Stallion has a last name: Knightsbridge. Now I need to get him a new cutie mark.

I don't think the dA MLP by Hand Group thing is working out. No one is interested at all. But it is an experiment and I will keep it going. Because I can be really stubborn.

Got permission to use Tangmare air station and Fetlock and Fillies for the next installment of "A Soldier in Silver." Being a fairly obtuse American from Oklahoma by way of New Jersey, I had to read up on British pubs and pub etiquette. Interesting reading. Now I can go pub crawling if I ever visit the old country. (I'm of English descent.)

The next installment of A Soldier in Silver is coming. Never fear.

I discovered something in the reading that opened my eyes a bit to an bit of old RP interaction my character had with another whose player way English: His offering to buy her a drink was a way of tipping. Barmaid Samantha (being as typically American as I am) refused the drink because she was working. In the US you give us money. We ain't squeamish about it.

Poor Giles and his player. But it worked out in the end, he got the girl.