Monday, January 2, 2012

Story post: A Soldier In Silver Chapter 5

Disclaimer: Tangmare Air Station is the creation of Tempestwolf.

 I own only the three ponies in this story nothing more. Oh and Buzzcut. I own him, too.  

Buzzcut served as resident barber to the Royal Guard ponies ever since Destrier could remember. The gruff midnight blue unicorn spoke very little, but seemed to understand what his customers wanted and finished his cutting and styling quickly. Perhaps that was his gift. Whatever it was, both Destrier and Charger were soon sporting new mane styles that suited both unicorns well.

They paid the customary ten bits each and had just left the shop when they heard the sound of wings and were greeted by the spectacle of Eaglewing hanging upside down in midair. His wings beat rapidly, not unlike a hummingbird. That he had learned that technique in the Academy was certain. 

“Hi there, teach. Whatcha doing?” asked the white Pegasus with a broad smile on his face.

“Leaving town after one more stop,” growled Destrier, who was one that didn’t like to be snuck up upon, especially on his blindside. “This is what I’d suggest you do as well, fire fanner.”

“I would do that, sir but…”

Destrier groaned. He had a very bad feeling about this, and his feelings were usually right on the money. Eaglewing righted himself and landed in front of the commander, his expression now very sober. 

“I’ve no place to go.”

His feeling correct, Destrier cut a glance at Charger, wondering if the colt had the ability to project his thoughts and speak mind to mind with those he had close bonds of friendship with. Such a talent was rare but not completely unheard of.

“You father was just here wasn’t he? Surely you could go home…”

“Dad’s a newlywed, sir. He was just married to a mare that I grew up with in Cloudsdale three days ago. We played together as foals. It’s very awkward, to say the least, sir.”

“I’ll bet.” The scarlet unicorn said dryly. “Are you asking permission to join Charger and myself on our journey?”

“Yes sir!” Eaglewing barked, saluting as he had been trained.  Charger was giving his commander a pleading look, asking to have his friend along.

“All right…”

He was so going to regret this. Destrier walked on ahead, his new charges following behind. He could feel the headache starting already.

“Where are we going?” Eaglewing asked in a stage whisper to Charger.

“To Ponyville, after the commander conducts the rest of his business here in the city.”

“Great! I heard there are lots of cute mares there.”

“My business isn’t here in the city,” Destrier put in. “I never said it was. I need to see some friends but not here, they are at the station.”

The station was better known as Tangmare Air Station. It was on the other side of the mountain from Canterlot, yet not too far away from the city. Several of the pegasi guard pony squadrons were based out of there. Not all, but several. Maneuvers were often held there for new trainees, given the location of the base.

The journey to the station was relatively uneventful, unless one counted the near relentless chatter from Eaglewing. The colt liked to talk and didn’t seem to want to quit. Charger was an interested ear and responded to his friend’s conversation with much enthusiasm. This was not the case with the younger unicorn’s former commanding officer. Try as he might, Eaglewing couldn’t get Destrier to respond to his queries with anything more than a “yes”, “no” or a “maybe”.   It frustrated the flier to no end. But then, Eaglewing talked so randomly and so often that one never knew where exactly to start.

When they arrived at Tangmare, Eaglewing let out a wistful sigh as he watched a group of his fellow pegasi going through their aerial exercises high above. “My squadron is supposed to be practicing battle maneuvers today. I would be up there with them having fun if it wasn’t for last night. What were you planning for the 145th battalion today, sir?”

“Fire Prevention,” the large stallion answered dryly.

Charger paled a little, and Destrier gave him a sympathetic look; he wasn’t completely heartless.

 “You just need to learn how to control your magic better, colt. Fire generation is an extremely powerful elemental magic and can be both a useful tool and a destructive weapon for its wielder once control is learned.”

“Not much good that’s going to do me now that I’m discharged,” Charger said sounding discouraged. “Not even my dad will teach me anything anymore.”

“You aren’t traveling with a Royal Guard Academy magic instructor or anything like that.”

“You can teach me, sir?”

“What have I been trying to do in the last year, colt? Of course I can teach you.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Don’t thank me yet, foal. I may be a difficult task master now that I am teaching you one on one instead of in a classroom with 19 other guard trainees.” He stopped and looked up, a smile appearing on his scarred face. “We’re here.”

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